Pawling and Business
"Downtown and Quaker Hill"
Duchess County in New York State
North, south, east and west in building, Pawling, N.Y.. Oldest Oblong Friends Meeting House in Quaker Hill, building start in 1722, Quaker Hill Road North. Eight minutes south, Akin Free Library and Museum, Albert J. Akin building start in 1898. Â Across a street, Christ Church. But before building site, Mizzen Top Hotel, 1880 to 1933.
Downtown, enjoy the oldest community golf course in America! Two lakes, large Holiday Hill and small, Edward R. Murrow Lake and swimming pools.
And more building in Pawling, New York State.
Oblong Friends Meeting House, building in 1720, north Quaker Hill Rd...
Site, 1880 to 1933 in Mizzen Top Hotel. Quaker Hill..
Albert J. Akin, 1803–1903: Akin Free library & Museum...
Large and small swimming pools, in Edward R. Murrow Park...
Top, Quaker Hill Road...
Northeast in Pawling Nature: Appalachian Trail!
..and more site in downtown, Pawling, N.Y.!
Oblong Friends Meeting House Build in 1764
Internet,, "The Oblong" Friends Meeting House in Pawling.
In Quaker Hill Road South to middle, Christ Church, acroos a street, Akin Free Library, to North, corner, Meetinghouse Road and Quaker Hill Road North, Oblong Friends Meeting House build in 1764 [right, 2nd down].
My cabin, 10 Brady Lane, me and Spike, dog (and/or my friends, and my family), walking north, Game Farm Road, in graver road to corner, straight to Meetinghouse Rd., Oblong Meeting House. Cabin to middle road east, 10 minute walking to Sherman, Connecticut.
First Quaker Meeting House, building, 1720. But new builting in 1764. During Revolution War, fight for freedom, America from French, start in 1775, Three years, in 1778, meeting house was to military service, hospital for solders chance from French. George Washington stayed here and Washington, exhausted into Pawling with his headquarters at the John Kane House.
250 Years for OFMH; speaker, Bill Finlayson...
Anniversary built in 1764, 250 years for Oblong Meeting Friends. Outside, speaker, Bill Finlayson, my great-great grandfather, Denial Toffey, my brother, George Akin Toffey in town cemetery, and son, John James Toffey [right, 3rddown].
President of Oblong Meeting Friends, Roger Smith, home in Quaker Hill Road, outside signed, three, 1728 – First Quaker Arrive, to Akin Hall/Christ Church. Inside, first floor and second floor, pew and teacher. In 1742, First Meeting House, picture, 1767, First Effective Action Slavery!
Pawling, N.Y., JPG - "Friends Meeting House."
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Mizzen Top Hotel: builds since 1880..
Mizzen Top Hotel, Quaker Hill, site, 1880 to 1933, corner, Church Lane and Quaker Hill Road. Three store tall Mizzen Top Hotel, first floor to three floors, faced the west. Summer, 250 guests. And, lawn tennis, golf, and a bowling alley [right, 4th down].
Name, Mizzen Top for Admiral John Lorimer Worden, battle of Civil War, ironclads Monitor. Â After war, John and wife, Olivia Toffey Worden living in Quaker Hill. Great grand brother, Daniel Toffey and family to Mizzen Top Hotel.
Demolition but 1934, new Christ Church. Back, The Thomas Center, old and new site building. Back right, school Mizzen top Day School! Christ Church, side, Bronze Memorial Garden Plaques, my Brother, Bill, wife, Kathy, Me, Garret, and three cousin marker stone. Far back right below, cemetery family, my parents's, William and Dorothy Toffey! And more Christ Church cemetery!
Akin Free library & Museum
Akin Free Library and Museum, victorian stone building, Albert J. Akin (i1803–1903) of Bank of Pawling, and eclectic late building and constructed between 1898 and 1908
Hall to basement, Olive Gunnison Natural History Museum. Hall lest, snake, light, snake and skeleton! Front, human body's part and before babies born. Animals, and two cats head, top but one bottom back! Middle room, birds, rocks and minerals.
Second floor room, local history; old picture, Quaker clothing, tools and bowling pins from the Mizzen Top Hotel! And Mizzen Top Hotel, big sign, 3 1/2 x 4 feet's.friends and myself west, 10 minute to Akin Free Library and Museum. ,
Hall to basement, Olive Gunnison Natural History Museum. Hall lest, snake, light, snake and skeleton! Front, human body's part and before babies born. Animals, and two cats head, top but one bottom back! Middle room, birds, rocks and minerals.
My Toffey families my Garret’s friends’ cabin 10 minutes to Akin Free Library and Museum. Victorian stone building, Albert J. Akin, birth, 1803 and death, 1903. The library itself is located on the first floor of the building, several thousand of books. Inside Akin building, large books in back authors, children's books, magazines, and locals’ magazines and newspapers. Front room, old books in Pawling.
Anniversary built in 1764, 250 years for Oblong Friend Meeting House, Meeting House, Quaker Road.
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Holiday Hill, downtown north
My family, summer in 1958, 1959 and 1960, ten days, Holiday Hill YMCA and Green Mountain Lake, Pawling. Large lake, swimming, front, old hotel and post office of Holiday Hill! My family into swimming pool, in, 1959, downtown, bottom left [left, top, "Climbing the Tower"].
Town, southwest, in 1970's, small swimming pool lake, I and my friends and family. Edward Roscoe Murrow, swimming pool. Middle pools, average, 10 (h) ft x 10 (d) ft x 3 ft (w) brown wood, me and my friend into water in a  lake.  And west, Edward R. Murrow Park; 300 areas. Pawling, JPG: left, Large Holiday Hill, me, 1959, swimming suit., Pawling, N.Y., Postcard: average, 3.5" x 5.5" -- 19 picture: Old Quaker Meeting House, Holiday Hill YMCA, and 17 picture Postcard in Pawling.
"Climbing the Tower"
"Climbing the Tower" in Quaker Hill! Me, my family and my friends, six or seven time, towers. In 1968, my family, climbing top, left and right of top of towers. My mom, dad, and three boys top of a tower. My cabin, 15 minute car, stop, "Climbing the Towers"!
And my friends, to top, left and right to top, towers. In summer, 1972, David, Tenafly, Rogers, Australia, fall to spring and I to top of tower -- northwest, west and south New York. I, best friends, Edward, Dan and Lisa, new parents, picture!
But, top of tower in 1986, fence! Next years, new mobile tower. Sad!
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Appalachian Trail!
Appalachia region of eastern United States that stretches from the Southern Tier of New York state to northern Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Appalachian Trail to hike that trail up into the Pawling Nature Reserve, north Quaker Lake Road.
My cabin, driving north, 15 minute to Appalachian. Five times, I and dog, Spike, and my friends to Appalachian Trail, Quake Lake Road., hikes, two to three hour to trail.
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More Pawling, N.Y.
John Kane House,, on east Main Street, and new exhibit. After, Lowell Jackson Thomas exhibit house.
"United States Navy Rear Admiral John Lorimer Worden and John James Toffey" and wife, Olivia Toffey Worden in Quaker Hill. John Worden, Civil War, Hampton Road battle; John Worden, Ironclad, here!
Golf Courses Duchess County, downtown, East Main Street in Pawling, N.Y. Â The Duchess golf, courses, 18 holes! Oldest golf course in America!
More downtown and Quaker Hill!